
Hope Michelson Receives Award

Update Article
May 27, 2020
Hope Michelson

Hope Michelson received the Campus Distinguished Promotion Award from the Office of the Provost, which makes her one of five faculty on campus being promoted to associate professor. Hope is a development economist that studies the dynamics of poverty and food security in low-income countries and the manner in which large-scale agribusiness functions in the context of international development efforts. Congratulations, Hope! 

What does Madhu do & why does it matter?

Update Article
September 16, 2020
Madhu video still

Agricultural technologies, tech adoption, and bioenergy production and use. Madhu describes what her research does and why it matters in two minutes.


Madhu Khanna: President Elect of AAEA

Update Article
May 29, 2020
Madhu Khanna with student in grass

The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s (AAEA) elected CEOS researcher Madhu Khanna as President-Elect of their leadership committee this May. 

Khanna previously served on the Board of Directors for AAEA from 2016 to 2019. She says, “I am honored to be elected by my peers to be the President of AAEA and to have the opportunity to continue to grow AAEA into a vibrant association that is inclusive of a greater diversity of specializations, institutions and regions. AAEA plays a vital role in keeping us all connected, even more so, in these challenging times and I would like to see it become an even more effective voice for a broad range of societally relevant issues important to its membership” (PRWeb).

Congratualtions, Madhu! Learn more about the AAEA here


Our first press release! Cross-posted on ACES News:

URBANA, Ill. – A group of applied economists launched a new research center this week at the University of Illinois. The Center for the Economics of Sustainability (CEOS) is made up of agricultural, development, environmental, financial, and consumer economists who collaborate with stakeholders and researchers from many other disciplines. Together, they study how best to manage natural resources and how to design policies and markets to achieve sustainability at the lowest possible cost.

“There are limited resources to protect nature, and success depends on making accurate, unbiased information available for those making decisions and allocating money to sustainability efforts,” says CEOS co-director Amy Ando, professor in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics at U of I.

Jonathan Coppess Wins Teaching Award

Update Article
April 1, 2020
Jonathan Coppess

The Paul A. Funk Awards are usually celebrated at a banquet every April. The pandemic shut down the banquet this year, so we want to recognize CEOS collaborators who would have been honored.

Assistant Professor Jonathan Coppess received the John Clyde and Henrietta Downey Spitler Teaching Award, which recognizes outstanding instruction at the University of Illinois. Dr. Coppess has taught in the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics since 2011, specializing in law and policy for farmers and the agricultural industry.