We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives. From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.
Research Output
Title | Publication | Authors | Year Published | Category | Method | Status |
Economics of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence–Based Digital Technologies in Agriculture | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Madhu Khanna, Shady S Atallah, Thomas Heckelei, Linghui Wu, Hugo Storm | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Heterogeneous and long-term effects of a changing climate on bird biodiversity | Global Environmental Change Advances | Luoye Chen, Madhu Khanna | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Motivating organic farmers to adopt practices that support the pest-suppressive microbiome relies on understanding their beliefs | Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | Elias H. Bloom, Shady S. Atallah, and Clare L. Casteel | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Assessing gendered impacts of post-harvest technologies in Northern Ghana: gender equity and food security | Gender, Technology and Development | Anna Snider, Paul Kwami Adraki, Victor Lolig, Paul E McNamara | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Digital trust substitution technologies to support smallholder livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa | Global Food Security | Lee, N.M., Varshney, L.R., Michelson, H.C., Goldsmith, P., & Davis, A. | 2022 | FA, SC | (OM) Other | |
Responsiveness of miscanthus and switchgrass yields to stand age and nitrogen fertilization: A meta-regression analysis | GCB-Energy | Bijay P. Sharma, B.P., Zhang, N., Lee, D., Heaton, E., Delucia, E.H., Sacks, E.J., Kantola, I.B., Boersma, N.N., Long, S.P., Voigt, T.B., & Khanna, M. | 2022 | FA, EE | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Machine learning for food security: Principles for transparency and usability | Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy | Zhou, Y., Lentz, E., Michelson, H., Kim, C., & Baylis, K. | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Economics of household food waste | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Lusk, JL, & Ellison, B. | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Challenges and opportunities in precision irrigation decision-support systems for center pivots | Environmental Research Letters | Zhang, J., Guan, K., Peng, B., Jiang, C., Zhou, W., Yang, Yi., Pan, M., Franz, T.E., Heeren, D.M., Rudnick, D.R., Abimbola, O., Kimm, H., Caylor, K, Good, S.P., Khanna, M., Gates, J., & Cai, Y | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Digital transformation of the agricultural sector: pathways, drivers and policy implications | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Khanna, M. | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Sustainability standards in global agrifood supply chains | Nature Food | Meemken, E.M., Barrett, C.B., Michelson, H.C., Qaim, M., Reardon, T., Sellare, J. | 2021 | FA, SC | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Economic studies reinforce efforts to safeguard specialty crops in the United States | APS Publications | Fuchs, M., Almeyda, C. V., Al Rwahnih, M., Atallah, S. S., Cieniewicz, E. J., Farrar, K., Foote,, W. R., Golino, D. A., Gómez, M. I., Harper, S. J., Kelly, M. K., Martin, R. R., Martinson, T., Osman, F. M., Park, K., Scharlau, V., Smith, R., Tzanetakis, I. E., Vidalakis, G., & Welliver, R. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Modeling the economic and environmental effects of corn nitrogen management strategies in Illinois | Field Crops Research | Mandrini, G., Bullock, D. S., & Martin, N. F. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Spatial variability of crop responses to agronomic inputs in on-farm precision experimentation | Precision Agriculture | Trevisan, R. G., Bullock, D. S., & Martin, N. F. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Economic drivers of food loss at the farm and pre-retail sectors: A look at the produce supply chain in the United States | Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture | Minor, T., Astill, G., Raszap Skorbiansky, S., Thornsbury, S., Buzby, J.C., Hitaj, C., Kantor, L., Kuchler, F., Ellison, B., Mishra, A.K., Roe, B., & Richards, T.J. |
2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Food loss and waste in the United States during COVID-19 | Farmdoc Daily | Ellison, B., & Kalaitzandonakes, M. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
The value of conducting on-farm field trials using precision agriculture technology: A theory and simulations | Precision Agriculture | Bullock, D. S., Mieno, T., & Hwang, J. | 2020 | FA | (SM) System Modeling, (OM) Other | |
Economic studies reinforce efforts to safeguard specialty crops in the United States | American Phytopathological Society Publications | Fuchs, M., Almeyda, C. V., Al Rwahnih, M., Atallah, S., Cieniwicz, E., Farrar, K., Foote, W., Golino, D. A., Gómez, M., Harper, S., Kelly, M., Martin, R., Martinson, T., Osman, F., Park, K., Scharlau, V., Smith, R., Tzanetakis, I. E., Vidalakis, G., & Welliver, R. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Adoption of agricultural conservation practices in the United States: Evidence from 35 Years of quantitative literature | Journal of Soil and Water Conservation | Prokopy, LS, K Floress, JG Arbuckle, SP Church, F Eanes, Y Gao*, BM Gramig, P Ranjan, AS Singh | 2019 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
The origins, consequences, and implications of Stanford's 1.2 Rule for nitrogen fertilizer application | Agronomy Journal | Rodriguez, D.G.P., & Bullock, D. S. | 2019 | FA | (SM) System Modeling, (OM) Other | |
Smallholder food storage dynamics and resilience | Food Security | Waldman, K. B., Giroux, S., Blekking, J. P., Baylis, K., & Evans, T. P. |
2019 | FA, O | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (OM) Other | |
Harnessing advances in agricultural technologies to optimize resource utilization in the food-energy-water nexus | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Miao, R. and M. Khanna | 2019 | FA, EE | (OM) Other | |
A data-driven approach improves food insecurity crisis prediction | World Development | Lentz, E. C., Michelson, H., Baylis, K., & Zhou, Y. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Every plate counts: Evaluation of a food waste reduction campaign in a university dining hall | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | Ellison, B., Savchenko, O., Nikolaus, C.J., & Duff, B.R.L. | 2019 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Opportunities and challenges in conducting economic research on food loss and waste | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Ellison, B., Muth, M.K., & Golan, E. | 2019 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Agro-climatic data by county: A spatially and temporally consistent U.S. dataset for agricultural yields, weather and soils | Data | Yun, S.D., & Gramig, B.M. | 2019 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Using digital agriculture technologies to improve nitrogen management and wheat yield | Cereal Foods World | Tao, H., & Bullock, D. S. |
2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Toward a regional phosphorus (re)cycle in the U.S. Midwest | Journal of Environmental Quality | Margenot, A. J., Kitt, D., Gramig, B. M., Berkshire, T. B., Chatterjee, N., Hertzberger, A. J., ... & Cusick, R. D. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
The data-intensive farm management project: Changing agronomic research through on-farm experimentation | Agronomy Journal | Bullock, D. S., Boerngen, M., Tao, H., Maxwell, B., Luck, J. D., Shiratsuchi, L., Puntel, L. & Martin, N. F. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Perdas na colheita de soja na região oeste do Paraná | Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade | Esser Romani, G., Arends-Kuenning, M., Assis Shikida, P.F, & de Oliveira Garcias, M. | 2019 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
Improving yield mapping accuracy using remote sensing | Preprints | Trevisan, R. G., Shiratsuchi, L. S., Bullock, D. S. & Martin, N. F. |
2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Establishing the precision and robustness of farmers’ crop experiments | Field Crops Research | Marchant, B., Rudolph, S., Roques, S., Kindred, D., Gillingham, V., Welham, S., Coleman, C. & Sylvester-Bradley, R. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
A discussion of market and policy failures associated with herbicide-tolerant crops | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | Desquilbet, M., Bullock, D.S. & D'Arcangelo, F.M. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
A bioeconomic model of Canadian honeybee colonies and the effect of marker-assisted selection (MAS) in queen breeding affects colony profits | Economic Entomology | Bixby, M., Baylis, K., Hoover, S., Currie, R. W., & Melathopoulos, A. P. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Examining household food waste decisions: A vignette approach | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Ellison, B., & Lusk, J.L. | 2018 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Sustaining our natural resources in the face of increasing societal demands on agriculture: Directions for future research | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Khanna, M., Switon, S.M., & Messer, K.S. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Harnessing emerging technologies to address the Hypoxia challenge | Nature Sustainability | Khanna, M., Gramig, B. , Cai, X., DeLucia, E., & Kumar, P. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
A risk analysis of precision agriculture technology to manage tomato late blight | Sustainability | Liu, Y., Langemeier, M. R., Small, I. M., Joseph, L., Fry, W. E., Ristaino, J. B., ... & Preckel, P. V. | 2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Agricultural nitrogen losses in a changing climate: Processes, predictions, and agroecological solutions | Nature Sustainability | Bowles, T. M., Atallah, S. S., Campbell, E. E., Gaudin, A. C. M., Wieder, W. R., Grandy, A. S. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Which livestock production methods matter most to consumers and why? | Agriculture and Human Values | Ellison, B., Brooks, K., & Mieno, T. |
2017 | FA, O | (VA) Valuation, (OM) Other | |
Variable soils, variable fertilizer quality, and variable prospects | Tropical Conservation Science | Michelson, H. | 2017 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Nexus between food, energy and ecosystem services in the Mississippi River basin: Policy implications and challenges | Choices | Khanna, M. |
2017 | FA, EE | (OM) Other | |
Climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and adaptation behavior among Midwestern U.S. crop farmers | Climate Risk Management | Mase, A. S., Gramig, B. M., & Prokopy, L. S. |
2017 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Nitrogen application decision-making under climate risk in the U.S. corn belt | Climate Risk Management | Gramig, B. M., Massey, R., & Do Yun, S. |
2017 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
A national survey of managed honey bee 2014 - 2015 annual colony losses in the USA | Journal of Apicultural Research | Seitz, N., Traynor, K.S., Steinhauer, N., Rennich, K., Wilson, M.E., Ellis, J.D., Rose, R., Tarpy, D.R., Sagili, R.R., Caron, D.M., Delaplane, K.S., Rangel, J., Lee, K., Baylis, K., Wilkes, J.T., & vanEngelsdorp, D. |
2016 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Agro-Climatic Data by County (ACDC), 1981-2015 | Purdue University Research Repository | Yun, S.D., & Gramig, B.M. | 2015 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
A national survey of managed honey bee 2013-2014 annual colony losses in the USA: Results from the bee informed partnership | Apidologie | Lee, K., Steinhauer, N. Rennich, K., Wilson, M.E., Tarpy, D.R., Caron, D.M., Rose, R., Delaplane, K.S. , Baylis, K., Nguyen, B.K., Soroker, V., LeConte, Y., & Saegerman, C. |
2015 | FA | (OM) Other | |
The intensity of adoption of the conservation agriculture by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe | Agrekon | Pedzisa, T., Rugube, L., Winter-Nelson, A., Baylis, K., & Mazvimavi, K. | 2015 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Reducing the economic impact of grapevine leafroll disease in California: identifying optimal disease management strategies | American Journal of Enology and Viticulture | Ricketts, K. D., Gomez, M. I., Atallah, S. S., Fuchs, M. F., Martinson, T. E., Battany, M. C., Bettiga, L. J., Cooper, M. L., Verdegaal, P. S., & Smith, R. J. |
2015 | FA | (OM) Other |